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Jerzy Gołuchowski, Aleksandra Pethe, Dorota Marquardt

The image of the world of religion emerging from conversations between people and a chatbot profiled as a Catholic clergyman

The objective of this paper is to describe the linguistic (media) image of the world of religion as it emerges from conversations between people and a chatbot, which has been configured by the authors to function as a Catholic cleric within the GPT models. Special attention is given to the elements of this world and their valuation (by both the people and the chatbot), as well as the chatbot's adherence to Catholic doctrine. The range of topics related to various aspects of religiosity was determined by the individuals who conversed with the chatbot. During the analyses, consideration was also given to the tool itself and its potential use as support in pastoral work, including various profiling methods and the possibilities for incorporating additional materials from which it can learn.

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